1. The unique armor worn by this mysterious warrior is said to have been uncovered in the ruins of an Ancient city. Whether the armor imbues the famed speed and pinpoint accuracy possessed by the warrior called Swiftblade, or whether he would be equally mighty without it, none can say.
2. The insectoid Moon Warriors never entered into the great war between Man and Beast, but when the Hellbourne threatened Newerth, their very queen emerged to lead her people against the daemons. With powers drawn from the moon and from the shared will of her hive, this strange creature is a mighty boon for the Legion.
3. Is the mighty Wildsoul a Beast who dreamed himself a Man, or a Man who dreamed himself a Beast? As much a bear as a human, this druidic warrior draws upon primordial woodland energies to strengthen himself and crush those who threaten the natural life of Newerth.
4. A keeper of lost lore and a priest to forgotten gods, Magebane invokes unholy rituals to drain the energy of his enemies and turn it back against them. In less desperate times, heretics such as Magebane would have been burned at the stake, but this is not the first unexpected clemency brought about by the war against the Hellbourne.
5. Trained since youth to be swift, silent, and deadly, Scouts spend much of their lives deep in the wild, apart from their brethren. After the alliance with the Beast Horde, they learned yet more ways of the wild, and turned all their craft to defeating the Hellbourne. Though many view them as aloof, none doubt the importance of Scouts in the war against the daemons, as the countless enemy corpses, dead by a single blow, attest.
6. The star-born celestial known as Andromeda is a stranger to Newerth. With no memory of her home or her people, she is driven merely by an innate sense that the Hellbourne are vile and the mortal inhabitants of Newerth innocent. Her powerful dimensional magic allows her to bring destruction to the daemons or strength to her new-found allies.
7. The ancient sagas of the heathen north have long told to the tale of the battle-women known as Valkyries. For centuries, their ranks have thinned as the old ways have died out and civilization stretched its smothering hand over the frozen wilds. But some Valkyries still remain, cold and swift as the north wind, wielding their lances with expertise to rival the most veteran Legion warriors.